“What are the red flags of a relationship during the early stages?”
There are countless red flags you must watch out for in the early stages of a relationship. If you’re dating an Asian woman, this is quite sensitive for them because they value their own culture. I’m going to pick out the 3 most important ones so you will have an idea what practices you should never allow to happen.
First, being secretive.
When they keep secrets from you, it’s like they are disrespecting your ability to know the truth. Besides, they are belittling you as a person.
I understand that hiding things and lying about something are two different actions, but it both imply that they are not telling you what you need to know. The truths that are being kept and hidden are still secrets. Keeping secrets is an early sign that someone can be disloyal to you despite your relationship.
Second, controlling behavior.
Given the fact that you’re still in the early stage of the relationship, they have no right to dictate what you do. Even if your relationship goes deeper, controlling behavior may result in being abusive to the point that they may deprive you of the things you love.
People who like to control others may show signs such as being intolerant of behaviors they don’t approve of or when they use your weaknesses to make you follow what they want. These are all tactics.
Third, anger outburst.
If you notice that they easily get annoyed even with the little things, that is a sign they might have anger issues.
Getting easily mad may result in name calling or physical abuse. Who knows? One day, if you encounter a misunderstanding, they might pour their anger out on you. As you can see, if a person fails to manage their anger, there is no doubt they might also fail to control their actions.
Source: Quora