angry Marriage Tips
“What are some ways to handle an aggressive wife who is frequently emotional?”

Marriage is not all sunshine and rainbows, like what some think. A part of its real essence in your life encompasses acceptance of imperfections and overcoming challenges.
Having an aggressive wife who is frequently emotional is part of those challenges. However, it’s worth ensuring that things don’t go beyond limitations or make things worse in your marriage.
Here are some of my tips for you.
Start by neutralizing and managing the situation. The more you try to control your partner’s emotion, the more they may feel defensive and uncooperative. So just de-escalate the situation. Your ultimate goal is to lessen the emotional intensity they are feeling.
Second, be assertive and respectful. You are open, honest, and self-assured when you behave and speak with assertive respect. In addition, you are able to comprehend and validate your partner’s wants and concerns, as well as communicate in a patient and positive manner. In this way, you enable your spouse to take on their fair share of accountability.
Third, pick your battles and think long-term. The term “pick your battles” is relevant in relationships, especially those with angry partners. You must consider what might happen to your relationship if you give in to your partner’s anger. Apologizing and avoiding a battle can sometimes mean winning the true prize, which is peace of mind in your marriage.
Fourth, address challenges when your partner is calm. What I mean by this is to wait until your partner calms down. Because high emotions can cloud your partner’s judgment, which can only make things worse than they already are. So there’s no point in addressing your concern if anger dominates your conversation.
Lastly, think of influence, not control. Do not try to change your partner. Because honestly speaking, YOU CAN’T. But, you can try to influence your partner and show them the benefit of your position. Create a positive environment that is conducive for cooperation rather than controlling.
Source: Quora