“Is it okay to move into a new relation just after a breakup?”
Moving on from a breakup is not a race.
Everybody has a unique timeline. There’s no deadline for when we have to move on. Some can enter into a new relationship just a few weeks following a breakup. It’s not really important how long you should wait before dating again.
What’s important is taking the best possible care of yourself. You are more likely to be able to find new love if you have bounced back from a breakup sooner. Conversely, it is preferable if you take your time healing yourself, since it offers you plenty of time to get back to your previous, healthy self.
It wouldn’t help to rush into a rebound relationship until you’ve healed completely. Usually, rebounds don’t last very long. Getting into one is unfair to both your new partner and yourself. Unresolved issues can potentially create a toxic environment for your rebound relationship, making for an unstable connection. Hurt people hurt people too.
No matter how long it takes you to get back into a relationship after a breakup, you need to be sure you’re completely healed in order to avoid hurting your new partner.