“Would you marry a Filipina? Why or why not?”

Well, considering that my husband willingly and eagerly married me, a Filipina, while he himself is western, it’s safe to say that I could answer yes for him.
As for why, well, I can’t say much without boasting about myself, but I can speak for my fellow Filipinas.
1. Filipinas are caretakers
While true to some extent, this is mostly because westerners weren’t raised the way we were. All Filipinos in general are caretakers because we were raised with a traditional mindset. Women in particular were taught the basics of cleaning, cooking and such because these were skills necessary when growing up. While it comes naturally for me to want to take care of my foreign husband, there are still plenty of Filipinas who will fight you if you throw your expectations at her.
2. Filipinas have a sense of humour
I admit, I crack jokes here and there and am somewhat proud that it’s one of the many reasons my husband chose to marry me. I’m aware we Filipinas are naturals in the art of making our partners feel instantly better with our so-called sense of humour. Sometimes, we’re even cornier than you, so be wary.
3. Filipinas are exotic and beautiful
I figured it was the short height and the tan skin, to be honest. In the Philippines, you are beautiful if you have light skin, which is ridiculous because we Filipinos are originally tan. I personally never felt like I was beautiful growing up because of this, but ever since I met my now-husband, I’ve felt like I was the most beautiful woman in the world.
All in all, there are plenty of reasons why foreigners want to marry my fellow countrywomen, but those 3 are the ones at the top of my head. They are also the most common answers you get when you ask an American why he married his Filipina wife.
Also, there’s this thing called LOVE. Yes, it exists. Marry a Filipina all you want, but make sure you fall in love first. People marry for love, right? We certainly did.
Source: Quora