Is There Excessive Individualism in American Women?
Romance in America is a closed-door affair. When there is a fight in the home or in the middle of the public eye, it might be the first thing you want to see, but the last thing you want to be involved in.
Within the past 10 years according to various surveys, we are seeing American relationships and romances reeling from a decline in participation by men as well as women alike. Men, especially in the wake of the #MeToo movement are concerned about how they should even act around American women at this point.
But are American romances failing in this regard?
I asked my clients if excessive individualism in American women was one of the reasons they decided to date Asian women. Take note that these claims cannot represent why American men are walking away from the American dating scene. But here are some summarizations of what I found.
Excessive individualism is a big factor.
American women are overblowing their entitlement. There seems to be a consensus that “she believes she is the absolute standard of measurement.”
Another tells me, saying that “You can even point out the law or rule in the restaurant she violated, she will put it in your face that you are wrong and she is right.” And “if you go against it, she will spin it in a way indicating how wrong you are.”
To support her claim, it may extend to the point that you are injuring every woman’s rights or privilege and will set the entire digital community out to “cancel you” or crucify you no matter what is written in the law.
Traditional-minded women are disappearing.
Traditional-minded women are slowly being phased out. Whether it’s good or evil in the moral/political sense is relative, but for our clients, it’s tragic.
They tell me “why would I want to be with a woman who will file child support if she wants to walk out on us later on?” This is apart from bemoaning how much the American legal system favors women over men concerning child support upon divorce.
I follow up and ask as if a devil’s advocate and inquire if this isn’t because women are socio-economically disadvantaged. Another man struck up in jest, asking me how Amber Heard had weaponized this narrative unfairly against Johnny Depp.
If you are looking to date someone to have a marriage wherein everyone puts in for the team, then it seems like the odds are against men in America. Women and men are not biologically the same, but the roles sometimes appear confusing and reversed.
Do American men have a chance?
There’s no winning for American men. If they aren’t winning, at least the dice are being loaded against them. We are seeing men who are giving up and instead of negotiating with American women, they are putting their hope for the future with a foreign woman.
Putting myself in these men’s shoes, my work refrains me from taking a stance on all of this, but it appears that these are powerful concerns since they are the reason why I am employed.
As they say, when one door closes, another one opens. So, if the possibility of dating locally is closed, could international dating then be for you?