“What is it like to have a Filipina wife?”
I’m a Filipina and I’m married to a western man. Let me tell you my experience and what to expect once you find yourself falling for a Pinay.
I’ve been married to my man for many years and I love him very much. He likes the fact that I go out of my way to make him smile and cook for him. He loves it when I rant about my apparent hate for divorce, since I can be as old fashioned as my parents. He especially adores how loyal I am to him and our family.
Oh, this is a stock photo by the way.
I try my best to be a good wife and mother for them but let’s be real. No one is perfect.
We fight almost all the time. It’s mostly because I can’t keep my mouth shut. The thing about us Filipinas is that we like to voice our complaints and we are not afraid to talk crap about the people we love. It’s natural for us to gossip with our fellow women too. If we find something that we don’t like, we say it. And it gets on his nerves, since he’s more reserved than most men. I’m his complete opposite in that regard since I’m unashamedly more in tune with my emotions.
A lot of Americans seem to think that Filipinas are the perfect wives, simply because we are loyal, good at cooking and submissive. It’s true that we don’t cheat as much, since we aren’t that loose, but it doesn’t mean all Filipinas are like that. Some of the women who grew up in the Philippines can be just as bad as you think.
You will find bad eggs here and there. I have friends at work who get off on cheating on their significant others. And while I don’t condone it, I don’t necessarily tell them off either since the gossip is good.
My point here is that you shouldn’t expect all Filipinas to be your ideal woman. If you get lucky and meet the perfect girl, good. If she isn’t the way you thought she was, don’t be surprised.
But you take the good with the bad, right?
I do agree that because of our upbringing, Filipinas make very good wives. Even if most of us women here are educated and have their own careers, we always remember what their mothers taught them. Most of us really like to take care of people. If it’s someone we love, we don’t hold back. Our bantering is mostly done in good humor too so if you get offended easily, you’re going to have a bad time.
We are naturally sweet and affectionate. Touching and hugging comes as a package deal if you marry a Filipina. If you don’t mind being doted on and being complimented in a backhanded sort of way, then feel free to make friends with a Filipina. A lot of Filipinas get excited meeting a foreigner. You’ll do fine.
Source: Quora