“Is divorce better than an unhappy marriage?”
If you’re going to stay in a marriage that doesn’t even make you happy anymore, are you willing to stay unhappy forever?
With divorce, you get a second chance. You’re free to make your own decisions in terms of romantic options. You get to explore your horizons without being tied down to a union you don’t want anymore. You are no longer limited.
The best part is that you get to fall in love again.
Granted, divorce may not be something most people will agree with, but what can they do?
It’s your happiness on the line here. Don’t waste your life.
Really think it through before you make the decision though. Talk it out with a lot of people first, especially with your spouse(if they’re the understanding type). The children, if you have any, will also need to be considered here.
Divorce doesn’t just affect you or your spouse. It affects everyone around you.