“What is the obsession with rich men dating young beautiful women?”

I don’t think it is much of an obsession. Rich men dating young, beautiful women just tell us that it is because they can.
As part of human decency, we were taught to be kind to other people because not everyone was given the same advantages as much as we do.
But how about those who have the advantages?
Why are they on the receiving end of these kinds of biases?
Why can’t we extend the same kindness to these men?
When you think about it, both the men and women in this situation are getting what they want.
Men get the woman they want; for social status or carnal pleasure. Women get wealth, a better way of living and it’s all to their own accord.
It’s a symbiotic relationship. It’s human nature. It’s definitely not an obsession but rather a matter of preference.
Wouldn’t you also do the same if given the same advantage?