“Why are more attractive girls harder to get than less attractive women?”
Because prettier people have a higher set of standards.
The thing about attractive girls is that they prefer to be paired with someone who is just as attractive as them. Some even go for those who are more attractive. A lot of them are self-aware of how a couple would look to other people, so they know what it looks like if a pretty face like theirs is sitting next to a man who isn’t as attractive.
There’s also the preference to worry about. Pretty girls will prefer a man who is also pretty because they feel like it’s owed to them. ‘Why should I settle for an ugly man? I’m pretty therefore I deserve someone pretty’. Not all of them are this shallow, of course, but a lot of them are unfortunately like this.
The bottom line is that when you’re born pretty and have been told all your life that you are, you grow up privileged. So it’s going to be a little harder than normal if you’re trying to woo a pretty girl.
Don’t worry. Thankfully not all of them are like that. It’s usually the rich girls who were raised spoiled that have a mindset like this.