“Why is being a woman so easy in Western society?”

I’d start my answer with a disclaimer that not all women in Western countries have it easy.
According to the United Nations, 19.5% of adult women in the United States suffer from severe food insecurity. In 2018, 6% of American women aged 15 to 49 years old were reported to have experienced recent or regular physical and sexual violence.
But compared to other parts of the world, we can see that Western women have certain advantages. Many Western countries belong to the Global North, for example, so they have access to more resources. A lot of movements for gender equality are also making strides in this region, particularly in America.
But this doesn’t mean non-Western women aren’t fighting for their rights, either.
As an Asian woman living in the United States, I can say that many of the women in my home country are proud to be strong and independent women who fight for a world where we can also enjoy an easy and comfortable life.