“Why are there so many Asian girls married to white guys?”
A lot of us like white men because in Asian culture, the whiter you are the prettier. But this kind of thinking is slowly going away because of the appeal of those with tan or even darker skin. Still, a lot of the women I know still prefer lighter skin so they tend to look at a white guy and go “pretty~”.
Aside from the light skin, there’s also:
- Hair and eye colour
Asians have mostly the same coloring and features. None of us are born with lighter hair color and the only eye color you see here is either black or brown.
People from the west can sport more than just these dark shades. Westerners have blondes, brunettes, red-heads and even those who have platinum hair. Plus they have different eye colors, like blue and green. That kind of thing is attractive to us, especially if it’s natural.
- White man = rich
Admittedly, there exists the notion among Asians that white men are loaded. Since there are so many women who grew up poor in Asia, the thought of a foreign man that could save a girl from a life of poverty is not just appealing, it’s a dream come true.
Obviously not all white people are rich, but we grew up watching Hollywood movies. And in those movies, white people have nice homes, nice cars, and pretty smiles. A lot of us, especially the older ones, immediately categorize Westerners as rich people as soon as we see them.
So of course, plenty of starry-eyed girls end up falling for the first nice white guy that gives them attention.
- They are more expressive and romantic
Asian women dream of being served by gentlemen and their romantic gestures. Romance isn’t exactly dead in Asia but a lot of the men here aren’t vocal or public about it. They can love as sincerely as they can but compare that to how an American treats a lady and, well, girls end up falling.
- They’re in love
The heart wants what it wants. People fall in love when they least expect it.
Interracial marriages are becoming more and more common. With the internet at our beck and call, it makes communicating with people from around the world so easy. This has contributed to the numbers of white men and Asian girls getting together. And that number is growing steadily.