“Are Asians ashamed of their physical features?”
Original question: Are Asians (specifically Japanese) ashamed of their physical feature (eyes)? Why do most anime characters look European or Caucasian? It seems like Asians don’t have self confidence.

I can’t speak for the Japanese because I’m not one, but I am Asian (Filipino), and we have our own insecurities when it comes to our physical features.
We deal with colorism and shame over things like our height, the color of our eyes, and the shape of our nose all the time. I’ve had my fair share of years wishing I had blonde hair and blue eyes.
But it’s not always as simple as lack of self-confidence. It’s more due to the beauty standards that are being used to judge physical traits and what makes someone beautiful, and most of them are dictated by Western culture.
It can really suck, I’m telling you. It affects our self-esteem because we end up doubting if we’re attractive or deserving of the attention of others.