“Have you been addicted to a person in an unhealthy way?”

No. But I’ve seen some friends do it, which usually ends in complicated relationships.
One of my friends once went overboard by becoming clingy to his girlfriend and stalking her everywhere. She decided to break up with him, but he couldn’t handle the heartache, which made him suicidal. He went into therapy and was diagnosed with attachment disorder.
Scientists have proven that intense love is a powerful drug, and if you’re stuck high in a love fool state (like a cocaine-dependent), you’ll create illogical decisions. In most extreme cases, it releases certain hormones and chemicals in your brain — leading to addiction.
Unhealthy obsessions with a person usually stem from childhood experiences. For example, you may feel neglected by your parents when they pay less attention to you as the oldest child than your younger sibling. It will lead to attachment issues. If you also came from a toxic relationship, you might have a low tolerance to its addictive characteristics and are more susceptible to being its victim.