3 Key Asian Values and Why Participating in These Values Might Interest You
Most of us, I assume, are aware of an Asian’s core values. They work hard at anything STEM related. They are strict with their children and expect great results from them. They pay attention to how their family name is received in their immediate communities. Lastly, each clan puts a premium on hard work.
Any ethnicity’s characteristics or behaviors will stem from its values and norms (think of important traits that make you “normal” in the community). I’m in no way trying to pigeonhole all Asians in general by saying “that’s what Asians are and that’s that.” But, I’d rather risk promoting what’s great about who we are, and if you like how we live, why not join us?
If you agree with any of the values that we hold dear, then why not date an Asian woman? Here are at least three key values and why we value them.
1. We are competitive.
In Western capitalism, profit is the end of the business, but for most Asian families it’s the family prestige that is the end of the business.
When you go on your favorite video streaming platform you might find Asian artists performing successfully in classical music, or read in the news about how many billionaires are coming up in China, or Asians becoming doctors and professionals in STEM fields.
There might be the impression that we compete for Asians in general. This isn’t entirely accurate because we are essentially competing with other families or groups within our own family or group. The family name is important, and we do what it takes to support them.
The success of 21st-century Asians in Western society is an effect of the many sacrifices of our parents and grandparents that migrated to the west due to poverty in Asia for much of the 20th century. That is why it is a community success and not an individual one. This will also connect to the next core value that Asians hold dear.
2. We work extremely hard for our immediate community.
You’ve probably heard of death by overwork in Japan — or karoshi. If you try to take one step to reason why it happens at all, it comes off as a contradiction. You work to make money and spend it, if you die in the process, then what was the point? The cause must be outside of the field of Western economics, and therefore, it’s a cultural thing.
Why must one overwork oneself to death, drone a lifetime in medicine to raise the family name, or risk going overseas to ensure a sibling has a fair chance at an education in their home country?
I am saying that we are the least likely people to prioritize ourselves over others and conversely, we are also the most likely people to concern ourselves with others first before ourselves.
3. We generally have conservative family values.
With what has already been said, it might already be implied that most Asians who keep with tradition are business-minded, family-oriented, and generally conservative. Whether you agree or disagree and for better or worse that is for the most part how we live.
You could say that Asians focus on supporting the family, its values, and its interests before anything else. Our understanding of “family” here should not be confused with the western, sanguine, and nuclear family model because the family can also involve those not blood-related as members of the ‘family.’
For most of Asia, respect is patrilineal and towards the family’s elders. Spend enough time with any Asian family and you will know that you do not cross the grandparents and to be on the receiving end of their wrath is something you reap if you did something wrong.
If These Characteristics Fit You, Then Join Us
We do not get to choose how we enter the world and the culture we grow up in. As we go along in life, we naturally discover a lot about ourselves while considering the kind of life we want to live.
In another article I wrote, I described how anyone can become Asian without adopting physical genetic traits. It will take work on your part to learn your Asian girlfriend’s language, customs, and family, but if you strive hard enough, you will win their approval in time.
If you like the kind of characteristics of what it means to participate in an Asian family with such values, then we welcome you to date in Asia and find your place with us.