13 Signs Your Partner Is Cheating On You

Marie Osmeña
5 min readJun 8, 2022


Infidelity is one of the most challenging and traumatic experiences people go through in relationships. Hindsight is important when it comes to cheating. Others might not notice the signs that their partner is cheating, but other people may suspect infidelity due to their partner’s actions that are out of the norm.

In a 2016 survey, one in four cohabiting and married couples admitted to cheating.

You’re probably familiar with the common signs of infidelity, like coming home late without any explanation or lurking on dating sites even though you’re already in a committed relationship. But to identify an unfaithful partner, look out for the subtle signs of cheating.

The following indicators aren’t meant to scare you, but they can be useful if your gut is trying to tell you something.

1. They suddenly change their routine.

Most people have predictable schedules, and though that can always change, there might be a good reason for it every now and then.

A partner who needs to “work late” without any explanation might be cheating, especially if it becomes a common occurrence, and they haven’t mentioned whatever it is they’re working on, be it a project, promotion, or other work-related tasks.

2. Their phone habits change.

This can include keeping their phone with them all the time when they used to leave it out in the open. Or you might have noticed that they changed their phone password. Experts say that these changes indicate the deception that results from cheating, making them strong signs of infidelity.

If your partner starts “hiding” things, it can reflect their unfaithfulness.

3. You don’t feel their presence anymore.

Unfaithful partners need to make time for their fling, like how they spent their time with you when you started dating. If the affair has gone on for months, your partner’s fling might ask them to spend more time together.

Don’t hesitate to ask your partner why they’re suddenly not around as much. You can also let them know that you are feeling more and more lonely because of it.

4. They don’t talk about their day.

Usually, couples share intimate details about their day with their partner. However, if they’re cheating, their attention tends to shift to their new fling. They end up giving you less attention and telling you fewer stories.

If they already have someone to share their stories with, they might not even know they’re talking to you less.

5. They start giving you more gifts than usual.

Loving partners love to surprise their significant other. But a cheater will try to take this to the next level to cover up their mistakes and mislead you. It’s their way of reassuring you that they’re devoted to you.

This is also so that they can quickly dismiss any signs of infidelity you might uncover.

6. Your issues no longer matter.

All couples encounter issues. If the fighting suddenly fades without any explanation, take it as a sign. It could mean that your partner has given up and is looking for a way out. It might also be a huge sign if the tension is no longer there.

7. They keep looking into your schedule.

It might be strange if your partner keeps looking into your schedule. They might ask what time you’ll be home and what time you’ll be out. Most cheaters will want to look into how they can have the flexibility and freedom to spend time with their new romantic interests.

Experts claim they work hard not to get caught.

8. They get defensive when confronted.

Relationships change, but this should be a topic you can discuss as a couple. If your partner can justify the changes, there’s no need to be defensive. Most cheaters tend to answer questions with questions because they need more time to form answers they can get away with.

9. They’re suddenly critical of you.

Cognitive dissonance refers to the mental conflict when a person’s beliefs and behaviors don’t match. Most cheaters try to ease that inner tension by trying to justify their cheating and convincing themselves that you’re the problem.

That can often come out as being overcritical of you without an explanation.

10. They accuse you of cheating.

This weird trait is common among cheaters for different reasons. Making your alleged behavior an issue takes the focus off them and makes you defensive. It’ll also make you hesitant to speak up about things that seem wrong because you don’t want to upset them.

It also gives your partner reason to ask for time alone to cool down, which they’ll only spend with their new romantic interest.

11. They’re worried about their looks.

Most people improve their appearance as part of their New Year’s resolution or choice to start a new workout routine for health reasons. They’re usually open about these things with their partner.

But if your partner suddenly cares more about their appearance or clothes, and they don’t seem to care if you’ve noticed or not, don’t hesitate to ask them about it. This is especially crucial if they’re spending a huge sum of money on clothes, hair products, perfume, etc.

If their answer doesn’t add up, it should be an indicator.

This can also include picking up a new hobby that requires a few hours of focus per day. When you show interest, they brush you off or give vague answers instead of asking you to join them or talking to you more about it.

12. Their friends get anxious around you.

Most cheaters will not cover their tracks and mistakes when with friends. For some, it can even turn into a competition to see who snags the most flings. For that reason, your partner’s friends might already have an idea of what’s going on before you do. They might end up feeling uneasy around you because they know something you don’t.

13. They’re suddenly unreasonable.

It might be an indicator if you’re struggling to contact them when you could easily do so in the past. This is especially true if it has turned into a consistent problem. Cheaters need hours of uninterrupted time, making them periodically unreachable.

They don’t want to risk you hearing background noises or suspicious voices.

Final Thoughts to Ponder On

Sometimes you can’t tell if your partner is cheating on you without directly asking or catching them in the act. In fact, most signs of infidelity are subtle. It’s only when a lie or story stops adding up that the cheating usually comes to light.

If something doesn’t feel right, it’s best to ask your partner what’s wrong to get a reasonable explanation. Don’t feel bad about keeping an eye on their behavior and habits as well. Just be subtle and reasonable about it, at least until you’re completely sure that they are in fact cheating on you.



Marie Osmeña
Marie Osmeña

Written by Marie Osmeña

Passionate about delving into interracial relationships. Writer for https://asian-women.com/ Find me on Quora https://www.quora.com/profile/Marie-Osme%C3%B1a

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